100,000 Scottish burials mapped in Angus

  • Detailed digital maps have been added to Deceased Online showing the exact locations of graves (lairs) within cemeteries and burial grounds in the Scottish county of Angus.
  • Nearly 100,000 burials in 64,000 graves have been mapped out, providing overview, section and detailed grave maps identifying exact plots, even if no memorials exist.
  • Click here to read our news story with full details.

12,000 burial records for Corby, Northamptonshire

  • Although located in the heart of England in the county of Northamptonshire, the town of Corby has a population claiming at least one-third Scottish ancestry.
  • Corby was the UK's premier steel city and in the depressed 1930's attracted thousands of workers from Western Scotland and Ireland.
  • Burial records for the town's two cemeteries, Old Cemetery and Shire Lodge dating back to 1899, are now available on Deceased Online.
  • The records comprise nearly 12,000 burials with scans of registers.

For details on all data, see the database coverage section at www.deceasedonline.com.

  Contact Deceased Online at info@deceasedonline.com